Anand Kumar

Hi, I’m a self taught Fullstack Web developer based in New Delhi, India.

Skills / Tools


My Projects

React Project

Tesla Clone

A Tesla Clone Website build from scratch in React js deployed on Netlify

HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Api

Movie App

An online database of information related to films including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia and ratings.

HTML, CSS & JavaScript


A placeholder using Html, Css and JavaScript is a container that is used to display content, such as text, table, picture, movies, sound, clip art, chart etc.

HTML, CSS & JavaScript


Product Card Ui Design Beautiful product card using html and css, contains an image, title, price, description and a buy button. When doing hover effects the content unfolds upwards, creating a beautiful movement.

HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Split Landing

Beautiful product card using html and css, contains an image and a buy button.When doing hover effects the content unfolds sideways, creating a beautiful movement.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript & JS Library (SortableJS)

Drag and
Drop Card

Beautiful and simple drag and drop project using Html, Css and JavaScript using the library (SortableJS).